Tuesday 26 April 2011. Part of ADA's Cabinet.
As part of ADAs investigation into collaborative and participatory practices, ADA initiated a short-term reading group for the duration of it’s work period at BRAK#3 in Duende, in the month of April, 2011.
During six-sessions, texts reflecting on artistic production, modes of communication, political positioning and the meaning produced, were jointly and actively explored. This short-term exercise was intended to enable practical exploration of the collective endeavor to encounter each other through a collaborative working practice.
The following texts were read and discussed:
Session 1
The Author as Producer, by Walter Benjamin. And in addition the short text The Artist as Producer in Times of Crisis by Okwui Enwezor.
Session 2
The Emancipated Spectator, pp. 1-23, by Jacques Rancière.
Session 3
The Collaborative Turn, by Maria Lind.
Session 4
The Demands and Challenges of Committed Participation, by Mika Hannula.
Session 5
Maybe it would be better if we worked in groups of three? Part 1 & 2 of The Discursive, by Liam Gillick.
Session 6
Tolerance as an Ideological Category, by Slavoj Žižek.
Additionally to the activity of exploring the texts together, a beautiful, brand new, state-of-the-art, ping-pong table was made available by ADA for all level of sporting and recreational fun.