ADA has started its residency period at AiR Berlin Alexanderplatz. During the working period at ABA the group is divided into smaller units’ of two members at a time. Each unit stays in the apartment for a period of three weeks. At the start of each third week working period, another ADA member arrives to replace one member of the unit.
ADA will use its (dis-)placement in Berlin as a starting point for the investigation on topics relating to the initiation, the performance of and the congregation around knowledge production. As part of its long-term investigation into collaborative and participatory practices, ADA will continue its research in Berlin in two parts. Firstly, by activating six reading sessions in which different texts will be discussed and secondly by organizing two, semi-public breakfast sessions with two members of ADA and selected participants from Berlin and abroad.
Please join us for welcome drinks with a view, on the coming Sunday, the 9th of September from 12.00 to 15.00 at ABA (10th floor), Alexanderstrasse 13, 10179 Berlin – Alexanderplatz.
For more information about the residency, please go to
Practical Information:
Sunday 09 September 2012 | 12:00
- 15:00
AiR Berlin Alexanderplatz, Alexanderstraße 13, 10179 Berlin
email: [javascript protected email address]
tel: +49-30-89569046